Wednesday 19 April 2017

The Redemption Games (A SciFi Thriller Short Story) by Renee Scattergood

Renee Scattergood lives in Australia with her husband, Nathan, and daughter, Taiya. She has always been a fan of fantasy and was inspired to become a story-teller by George Lucas, but didn't start considering writing down her stories until she reached her late twenties. Now she enjoys writing dark fantasy and paranormal thrillers.

She is currently publishing her monthly Shadow Stalker serial, and she has published a prequel novella to the series called, Demon Hunt. She is also working on a new series of novels, A God's Deception.

Aside from writing, she loves reading (fantasy, of course), watching movies with her family, and doing crafts and science experiments with her daughter. Visit her site for more information and a free copy of Shadow Stalker Part 1 (Episodes 1 – 6).

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About the Book

Jillian is a teenage runaway. She has survived on the streets for over a year, but when a man shows up promising her a better future, she ignores her instincts and goes with him. Now she finds herself on an alien world in a last-man-standing competition that she has no hope of winning, unless she can find an ally.

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Keep reading for an excerpt:

There was no sound. Jillian was sure she outran them this time. She was smart though. Too smart to move this early and give up her location. The last time she did that, they nearly got her. She crouched in the shadows of a dumpster and waited. About twenty minutes passed before she dared to move, and even then it was only to move further into the alley where she could eat in peace.

"All this for a box of cereal," Jillian whispered to herself. She squeezed through the small opening in the boarded up doorway of the abandoned building she called home. After climbing to the second floor, she barricaded herself in a small room that she was sure had once been an office. Probably where the boss sat in his cushy chair while the people worked their butts off in the sweat shop below.

After opening the box, she shoved handful after handful of cereal into her mouth until she couldn't swallow another bite. Leaning back she sighed. It had been days since she had a full belly.

Jillian didn't realize she had started dozing until a noise woke her. She wasn't alone in the building. She heard the soft clang of boots on the metal stairway. She was trapped. She hid behind some boxes and old furniture that had been left behind just in time for someone to force their way through her barricade. She froze. For a moment there was no sound.

"I know you're here," a male's voice called out.

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